My Invisible Mite Story

Author: Guest Contributor
Published: July 24, 2021

Our apt was invaded by spiders, bugs, insects, and invisible mites. 

At first, we tried every chemical and natural solution. After spending Hundreds of Dollars we gave up, bought out our lease, gave away every single thing we owned we moved to a new completely empty apt. The Mites came with us because they were living on us. 

We gave up living in the new Apt. We lived in motels, offices, trucks and continued every remedy suggested by every website and book. We bought and threw away clothes daily. All of this only made the symptoms manageable. Nothing would kill or get rid of the invisible mites. After a few months, we started to see the visible mites which appear as a black speck or dot. These are the mature stage of one of the ectoparasites, avian mite or bird mite also known as walking black pepper. These things are an Arachnid, not an insect, they are so small they can hide in your hair follicles and your pores.

The only thing that killed and stopped the mites from living, crawling and squirming under our skin was TIME. By the time winter came, they started to die off.

Now in a brand new Apt, it has happened again. This time we know what to expect, what works, what seems to work, and what does not work. Moving around helps for a few weeks at a time, Chemicals rarely work except for a short while, essential oils and natural cures provide temporary relief, washing them out of clothes does not work, constant cleaning of every surface works for one day, Spending thousands and thousands of dollars on clothes, chemicals, essential oils, natural soaps, creams, sprays, and motel bills is necessary to maintain your sanity. If you own a home then you have to abandon it at least for a year.

If you are fortunate enough to have large savings account to mitigate this problem you can make it through a year at a time. For those whose symptoms are severe, there is no chance of working and keeping a normal job and financial ruin is imminent without a source of help, funds, and income. For those whose symptoms allow them to get a good night’s sleep then survival is possible.  We are living until winter or the money runs out whichever comes first.

This is My Story.

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