The Founder’s Story and Diary.

Here you will find the founder’s story and diary.

If you have a bird mite story that you’d like to have published, send it to us using the email address

24-Hour Diary of a Bird Mite Sufferer

Includes tips on what is done to help get through the day and night. 5:00 am. I am rudely awakened and up before dawn with some biting on my legs and back, and a crawling sensation around my nose and mouth, as well as legs. I quickly grab the lint roller and use...

A Bird Mite Nightmare… One Person’s Story

My nightmare started four years ago when I removed a sparrow’s nest from my garage after the young birds had vacated the premises. A few days later, I started to get these bites all over my back and legs, and some on my arms and face. I would first notice them when I...

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Treatment Protocols

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Recommended Treatment Provider

We recommend you use a licensed professional to address a bird mite problem. Don’t wait or the problem will get much worse and more expensive to treat. We have a list of pest control companies that are specifically qualified to treat bird mites.

  • They come to your house for no charge and give a free estimate.
  • Even if you decide not to use them, you get free professional advice.
  • Most pest control companies have never dealt with bird mites before. You need to use a bird mite specialist.

Follow this link to find a Qualified Local Exterminator near you.

Keep in mind that if bird mites are not treated correctly, even if the correct chemicals are used, they can become resistant to those chemicals. Don’t use a pest control company unless they have extensive experience treating bird mites.

Also, many of our readers have followed up with (or used outright) natural solutions and pesticide-free, such as on our Treatments Protocols page Follow this link to that page.

Natural and DIY Solutions

In addition to local exterminators, we offer a list of other natural, non-pesticide and/or do-it-yourself products that we have found helpful on our Treatments Protocol page.  Follow this link to the Treatments Protocols page.

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