Products to get rid of bird mites

Our readers have told us they want more info and reviews of products to get rid of bird mites.

After polling our readers, we have launched this bird mites product reviews page in order to provide you with as much information as we can.

(BTW, If you see a missing product, or want us to add your review, please don’t hesitate to email it to us at

Note: this is a running list and will be updated frequently as new reviews come in. You may want to bookmark this page and check back often. We have added links* to these products wherever possible so you can look into them.

Here are the first batch of reviews on bird mite products (names removed for anonymity)

“I always recommend this product. It got rid of bird mites on my body immediately. I also used Borax detergent on my clothes and bedding.…”

“So far Kleen Green has worked to stop the mites from crawling and biting me. Putting baking soda in my shoes and sneakers helps to kill them. Washing clothes with borax helps and using vinegar to soak things.”

“I used a combination of Kleen Green and Premo Guard every other day and it worked.”

“Bleach works to get relief for a day or two. Bithor does not work. Lysol does not work. Rubbing alcohol works a little. Sterifab works on couches and I’m waiting on Cimexa powder. Castile soap helps the skin and tea tree shampoo and conditioner. Lice shampoo gives you relief for a day.”

“We have been fighting this for over eight months. Went to a dermatologist he proscribed derma smooth/FS for our skin. He said that the mites don’t like it. They stay on the skin. So all you have to do is pick them off. Otherwise in between time we use alcohol with tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Or Permethrin10 mixed in Lotion. Vacuum every day if you can. We spray permethrin SRF after vacuuming. Wash bedding every day. Hot water Borax, dawn dish soap, and laundry soap. Shower 2 times a day. Use shampoo and tea tree oil on scrubby and shampoo with it too. I hope this will help anyone that’s going through is horrible Situation.”

“I control bird mite populations by bathing often spraying my skin with alcohol it hurts but it clears up any sores I do this continually I also use a UV light with ozone I use it in my bedroom and it continues to control bird mites where I sleep it has a limit of the area it can Cover so they need to be moved around but again it’s controlling the population I cannot seem to eradicate them I have some hope that a generator called spooky2 May also help eradicate the entire population I have not had it long enough to get really positive results so we’ll see they are a pain as I’m sure everybody knows.”

“We used Premo Guard every day for a few months. Washed our clothes in it too. Took a while but this worked for us.”

“We used all the exterminators we could find. All failed to rid any mites, except Go-Forth Pest Control. Go-Forth got rid of a lot of mites, But a few remain, and after a number of treatments they still get on my wife. We are at a loss of what to do now.”

“We had exterminators who used Demond.. We’ve used hundreds of bug sprays with Perethrin and pyrethrin with limited success. We also use Sparkle and Shine with ammonia. . Varsol.. and Perethrin powder. As well we used DE around outside. Kleen Green products worked well too. We’ve had bird mites for a year now. Sticky tape around our rooms. .beds.. chairs etc has worked better than anything. As well we’ve used bug bombs (gas) with Perethrin as a main ingredient. Thank you for all your information.”

Remember. Email the products you have used and whether they worked or not to us at

*The fine print. We will not use your name in your review, and all reviews you send are confidential. We never sell your name to these or any companies. Please note that in order to maintain this website, whenever we link to a product, we may get a small commission for that recommendation. We do this so as to not take any ads on this website that could skew these recommendations.

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Recommended Treatment Provider

We recommend you use a licensed professional to address a bird mite problem. Don’t wait or the problem will get much worse and more expensive to treat. We have a list of pest control companies that are specifically qualified to treat bird mites.

  • They come to your house for no charge and give a free estimate.
  • Even if you decide not to use them, you get free professional advice.
  • Most pest control companies have never dealt with bird mites before. You need to use a bird mite specialist.

Follow this link to find a Qualified Local Exterminator near you.

Keep in mind that if bird mites are not treated correctly, even if the correct chemicals are used, they can become resistant to those chemicals. Don’t use a pest control company unless they have extensive experience treating bird mites.

Also, many of our readers have followed up with (or used outright) natural solutions and pesticide-free, such as on our Treatments Protocols page Follow this link to that page.

Natural and DIY Solutions

In addition to local exterminators, we offer a list of other natural, non-pesticide and/or do-it-yourself products that we have found helpful on our Treatments Protocol page.  Follow this link to the Treatments Protocols page.

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