Bird Mite Infestation Forums Your Story Lemongrass Worked For Me Like A Miracle Cure

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    • #1369

      About two weeks ago I got covered in bird mites whilst cleaning my apartment in Bangkok, which nobody has been staying in for several months. I did notice strange looking dirt and dust in the windows whilst sweeping but thought nothing of it at the time. Turns out that pigeons have been nesting in the external cavity for the air conditioning and have made their way into the room. I noticed the pin prick sensations the first night which stopped me sleeping and thought it was fleas. The second night it got worse and resulted in virtually no sleep at all and by the third night I felt like I was being constantly stabbed with tiny pins and a huge red rash appeared on my chest, stomach, arms and back. The rash also stung like mad and sleep was now impossible, in fact the only way I could cope with the pain was walking around my flat, admittedly talking to myself by this point as I was already losing my mind. I noticed the pain lessened if the air conditioning was on and increased almost immediately when walking into a warmer non-air conditioned room. I looked at the websites and my symptoms seemed to match exactly those of bird mites.

      On the fourth day my girlfriend looked at a Thai website which recommended crushing and boiling lemon grass and spraying it on birds to heal them from mites. So I got a big bundle of fresh lemon grass (easily available here in Thailand, not sure about other countries) crushed up and prepared 15 sticks of it, boiled it and put it into a hot bath. I stayed in the bath as long as I could (about 20 mins) and the results were incredible, almost instantly the rash disappeared and the pin pricks lessened. I had another 2 baths that day, and 1 the next morning. After that I abandoned the flat, leaving all my things in there and traveled to my girlfriend’s house. I took off all the clothes I was wearing outside the house and tied them up in a plastic bag. I got in and had another lemon grass bath. For about 3 days after that I continued to feel a few pin pricks, which apparently is normal as it takes a while for the mites toxins (if that’s what you call it) to leave your blood and it continues to sting until then. Now, about 5 days after leaving the apartment behind I am back to normal, the mites have gone. I realize that not everybody can just abandon their home but I think the lemon grass is well worth a try as the mites seem to really hate it and of course it is harmless to humans so you could even experiment with soaking your furniture or possessions in it or spraying it over them. The important thing is to crush the ends with a pestle or hammer so that the sweet smelling juice starts to come out.

      Of course I only know that this worked for me but if anybody else tries it, let everyone know, it could be important.

    • #4212

      Are you still mite free? Did you every go back to get any of your possessions from your apartment? I am at the point of misery that I am ready to walk out and leave everything behind.

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  • Most pest control companies have never dealt with bird mites before. You need to use a bird mite specialist.

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Keep in mind that if bird mites are not treated correctly, even if the correct chemicals are used, they can become resistant to those chemicals. Don’t use a pest control company unless they have extensive experience treating bird mites.

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