Bird Mite Infestation Forums Questions Will I give these to other people

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    • #5193

      I posted my story in the story page. This has been so difficult for me that I am doing everything I can to try to not have these go from me to someone else.

      Do we know if they can? I have stopped going anywhere so that I do not sit on any furniture and leave anything behind that grabs onto someone else.

      Am I being too cautious or is my concern correct and I could expose someone else?

    • #5257

      From my experience and reading on the subject it is really hard to tell how easily these things can spread to other people. I have avoided people as much as possible and kept people out of my house but I have still had to be around other people occasionally. As far as I know none of those people have contracted a mite infestation.

      Even within my house there are 3 of us who have varying degrees of how negatively impacted we are by the mites. One person is hardly bothered by them but notices crawling sensations occasionally enough to be annoying. Another person has bites on their head and ears and has crawling sensations often, particularly in/around their ears. I am the most affected with very frequent, aggressive pin prick needle stabbing sensations and crawling sensations all over my body. At the peak of this infestation I would get bit thousands of times in a night and had wounds from the bites on the sensitive skin on the sides of my face and around my ears. I never showed any wounds on the rest of my body and after awhile I didn’t even get wounds on my head from the bites anymore despite still being bit. For a couple months I didn’t sleep for more than 20-30 minutes a night having to go take showers and get a fresh blanket moving around the house trying to escape these things. Thankfully, I have controlled the infestation down to where it isn’t nearly that bad anymore because that wasn’t survivable long term. I still get bit and have crawling frequently enough that I still worry about spreading this to others and potentially ruining their life. Knowing all the exhausting and expensive things I have had to do to just get this somewhat under control I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this I can help it.

      In the book “Year of the Mite” there was mention of a similar experience where various members of the family had wildly different experiences and some passed it to other relatives and other people in the story such as coworkers seemed to be mostly unaffected.

      It is interesting that nearly every bird in existence is presumed to be covered in these mites at all times and chicken farmers especially have serious problems keeping their numbers under control yet very few people seem to have the terrible experience of being the primary host that has brought most of us here. There must be something that causes these mites to jump to human hosts otherwise everyone who had ever been near a chicken or feeds the wild birds would have this problem.

      I do wonder if I manage to kill all the mites in my house whether I am susceptible to being an attractive host for random bird mites out in the wild again in the future due to some unfortunate genetic makeup or pheromone. Hopefully, the specific mite variant I am fighting in my house and on my body have just made an adaptation to where if I kill all of them the trait for a proclivity to feed on humans will die with them.

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